My millennial life explained by simple math

(to inspire more people to appreciate math)

It's my concept for a book. Thoughts?

Chapter 1: My life in 3 periods with 4 year phase cycles

It’s been a roller coaster for sure.

It’s been a roller coaster for sure.

Chapter 2: Musical Consumption Analysis

Period 1

  • radio, cassettes, kid record player, dads reel to reel

  • Girl Scout and church songs

Period 2

  • mix tapes, CD, lime wire, concerts, internet radio

  • 2 albums every other week habit

Period 3

  • Pandora, public radio, Spotify, radio station

  • Monthly playlists for last 3 years

Chapter 3: Miles traveled

Period 1

Trips to Florida, Camp, Colorado, Wisconsin

Period 2

D.C., France, Switzerland, Amsterdam, London, college campuses

Period 3

National parks and forests, small town USA, Vegas, city of Chicago, conferences and trainings 

Chapter 4: My relationship with contacts

I’m not sure what this graph means anymore… Maybe I meant pairs of friends?

I’m not sure what this graph means anymore… Maybe I meant pairs of friends?