What I learned this month…
/In 2024, I challenged myself to maintain a gratitude journal as a blog.
I started strong, posting once a day, but by September, I was lucky to post one journal entry a month. I think this about me not making and taking the time to do them. Like I often fail to make and take the time to exercise, or cook for myself. I’m not quite sure how to change this default behavior - clearly it’s a challenge of prioritizing.
Instead of doing what I say I want to do, I do what I think I “have” to do, which normal includes cleaning, prepping, paying bills, managing calendars. From my experience and learnings on coaching for change, I know that behavior is easier to change than beliefs, but when I reflect on my approach to taking on new habits, I often take an “attitude first” approach. I’m beginning to wonder if this is why/how I fail these personal goals.
To truly motivate myself to change, I need an accountability partner or authority telling me something is due on a date. When push comes to shove, I always let myself down, but try to rarely let down others. So, in 2025, I’m going to try to be that coach to myself. While I’d love to do this once a week (which was the original title of this post), I started this draft on January 26th. Weekly posts can be bonuses; monthly posts will be what I guarantee to myself.
Since the current reader data on my site shows very few people will notice, I should be good, but I’m going to make myself share these posts, and maybe even try to do a newsletter or Substack to support sharing. I’ll cross that bridge later, for now, I’m writing these to help me remember, process, practice, archive, and reflect.
Each month, I’d like to share what I learned from three or more of the following:
music that stuck with me with link(s)
places I visited and a pic or 2
memorable meals
articles/books/videos/podcasts I consumed to grow
highlight(s) from my life
an epic fail or something I’m struggling with - because maybe writing about it can help be to overcome it
tv/film/entertainment/art that made me think and/or feel
I think this evolution from the gratitude journal blog will better benefit me personally and professionally. Since I’m often thinking about the things I’m learning, I am hopeful that a blog post focused on what I learned will be fun and easy to write.
What I learned in January 2025…
Cold and sunny is way better than warm and gray in January.
Epic fail of starting this post and waiting until the Ides of March to post. I’m blaming it on the fake that I cannot insert markdown blocks which allow me to insert links, so I’m giving y’all some ugly links in this post.
There was some good music released in 2024. In particular, self-titled Don’t Thank Me, Spank Me (https://open.spotify.com/album/3ugROhUf1fiqM524meOfZm?si=D4lB1JGISbCB6lcfENisKw), and Big Crown Vaults Vol. 2 by The Shacks (https://open.spotify.com/album/6aVMpJwZmdNp7b0eV0rCIZ?si=FFzDEvrHTUaHxo7ApvfOzA)